Comprehensive Diet Education for People with CKD (Potassium Restricted)
Give your clients a rundown of everything they need to know about healthy eating to slow the progression of kidney disease! Education provided in simplified language for people with low health literacy.
Materials reflect updated research to focus on a “plant-forward” approach to kidney disease. Education encourages eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant proteins. And limiting animal proteins, phosphorus & potassium food additives, and processed foods.
This 6-page PDF handout breaks down healthy eating for CKD into 5 steps:
- Eat More Fruits & Vegetables (with recommendations for MANY fruits & veggies people should eat! Identifies higher and lower potassium options)
- Rethink Your Protein (choose more plant proteins, choose animal proteins less often)
- Stay Away From Foods High In Salt
- Read Food Labels For Things That Hurt Your Kidneys (visually demonstrates how to read food labels for sodium and potassium & phosphorus food additives)
- Choose Healthy Drinks (steering people away from phosphorus containing drinks & sugar)
Each step includes specific food/drink examples to eat more of, and to limit.
Handout ends with MyPlate pattern demonstrating how to build a kidney friendly meal.
Also available in a BUNDLE with the no potassium restriction version.